Thursday, October 15, 2009
Posted by
12:51 PM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Dan Reed "The Dictator"
I know this is a blog about my family and raising babies, but I wanted to share a video with you that I came across that has really had a profound effect on me. I'll let the video speak for itself, but I urge you to listen to the lyrics of the song and the words of Charlie Chaplin that were taken (with permission) from his movie "The Great Dictator" - released in 1940...Sleepless City Productions did a great job with the video. Let me know what you think!
Dan Reed "The Dictator" from Sleepless City Productions on Vimeo.
Posted by
12:23 PM
Friday, August 1, 2008
Grandma and Grandchildren
Posted by
9:09 AM
Beautiful Smile
Posted by
9:07 AM
Anticipation 2
Posted by
9:04 AM
Mommy and Daughter
Posted by
9:03 AM
My Son at One Month Old
Close-up, originally uploaded by miltonandmichele.
Posted by
9:01 AM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I'm Ready for My Close Up Mr. DeMille!
Posted by
8:58 AM
Daddy and Daughter
Posted by
8:55 AM
Proud Grandparents & Big Sis
Posted by
8:49 AM
Peeking at her new world!
Posted by
8:40 AM
The Twins Have Landed!
Posted by
8:35 AM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Win an Insignia Bluetooth MP3 Player
5 Minutes for Mom is giving away an
Insignia® - Pilot 4GB Video MP3 Player
with Bluetooth Technology.
This giveaway is sponsored by Best Buy.
Visit the 5 Minutes for Mom blog for details on how to enter.
Posted by
3:06 PM
It's What Daddy's Do!
Daddy to the Rescue and Relishing His Role
God is so funny! He's also very timely. I was listening to the 1/18/08 Focus on the Family broadcast in which "Psychologist and author Kevin Leman was sharing amusing anecdotes laced with biblically-based wisdom from his book Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours" (quote taken from the broadcast description at Mr. Leman broke down while sharing his memories of giving his daughter away at her wedding and it made me think ahead to my daughters' weddings and how I'll behave. I found myself getting emotional here in the office. Then, the phone rings. Understand that it's Saturday, no one is in the office besides me and no calls come in except from home. I answer the phone and it's my 4yo daughter (going forward, referred to as "Penguin"). "Daddy, the TV is broken. I can't watch it. Fix it Daddy!" The irony of the timing of this call is not lost on me. Although my wife dialed the phone and had Penguin say what she said, the fact remains that this is how she sees her Daddy: The Fixer of Things Broken. When I think of this, it makes me smile. It's what Daddy's Do!
Twenty or so years down the road when my daughters prepare to exchange vows and become wives to two Godly men (required), I will "lose it" just like the speaker in the broadcast did. It's what Daddy's do!
Posted by
12:06 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A Boy For Me and A Girl For You
It's a boy and It's a girl!
Well, it's yesterday's doctor visit we learned that we are having a son and a daughter! I am sooo very excited about this. The funny thing is our 4 year old daughter had already called this. She said weeks ago that she was having a brother and a sister. God heard her and He heard my prayer.
I've always wanted a son. I look forward to teaching him how to be a man. There are many things that I've always looked forward to doing with my son.
Things like taking him to the barber shop --> That reminds me of a time when I used to go to this particular barber shop in Maryland. I'd see this father and his young son (probably about 4 or 5 years old). The father would always be leading the son, who would "drag" in barely awake. One time the barber asked what was wrong with the boy and the father relayed the story of what he goes through everytime they have to go to the barber shop. He makes several attempts to wake his son up and when he finally sits up on the bed, he sits there crying for five minutes because he doesn't want to wake up. Somehow, that struck me as funny. Moving on...
I'll also get to teach my son to fish. I've looked forward to that Andy and Opie moment for many years and now l'll get to do all that!
When my wife was pregnant with our first child, Toys R Us online had a buy-one-get-one-free sale on Tonka trucks; the big metal ones reminiscent of the ones I grew up playing with in the 70's. We got two of them, but they've been sitting on a shelf, still in the boxes, ever since. Soon, there will be freedom for the Tonka trucks!
I look forward also, to having another princess in the castle! I wanted my daughter to have a sister to grow up with and now she'll have that. I've spent many an evening dancing with my daughter who was all dolled up in her princess gown with tiara. I'll have to split my time between the princesses! It can be done. We have the technology!
My wife is doing fine despite slight difficulty breathing and being tired, but these are par for the course. I ask that you pray for her and for our family!
Praise God for our daughter and son!
Posted by
8:32 AM
Labels: baby girl, bouncing baby boy, daughter, expecting, fatherhood, pregnancy, son, twins, ultrasound
Monday, January 14, 2008
Our First Born: Daddy's Little Girl
As I write & post things concerning the twins who are yet to come, I didn't want to leave out the beautiful child we have already. She's a true joy to me & I would be remiss if I didn't honor her & give her equal time. I started the "Equal Time" campaign with the first WHAB TV post of my daughter's first-through-thousandth words (see "WHAB TV Episode 1: Baby's First Words"). Now, I'd like to share how she came into the world.
On September 10th 2003 at 8:57pm, our daughter was born. We arrived at the hospital very early on that day. My wife (of course!), her parents & my mother were all there awaiting the blessed event. Unlike days of old where the father was confined to the waiting room, we were actually in the room with my wife. I kept a minute-by-minute log of what happened that day. I may share that in a later post, but will summarize now.
We had planned on going the natural childbirth route, but had to go with Plan B (C-Section) because of a failure to dilate. At 8:30pm, my wife asked for a C-Section. I was given hospital scrubs to wear in the operating room. I quickly changed & the nurse came to wheel my wife into the operating room to have the procedure. I was told to sit outside the room while they got everything set up, but was assured that I would be allowed in the room to see the birth of my first child. Several minutes went by, but it seemed like hours to me. Honestly, I started to become impatient & a little angry at this point. When a nurse came out, I stopped her & asked when I would be allowed inside. She peeked her head in & asked "When can daddy come in?" I couldn't hear the answer, but it certainly wasn't "By all means, come in now!" I was told to wait & it shouldn't be much longer.
The next thing I knew, I was hearing a baby crying! "That can't be my baby", I assured myself. There were several operating rooms in this area & I was sure that these were the cries of someone else's child. Not so. The nurse emerged & waved me in. I could feel the heat of my anger radiating from my ears. However, as soon as I stepped inside the room, the sight of my beautiful baby girl quickly calmed the storm.
As I walked toward the first sounds of my baby girl, I had the same out-of-body feeling that I got while sitting in the sanctuary hours before my wedding. I truly believe & expect to have this feeling at every major "life moment". Perhaps I'll have a double dose when the twins are born.
I was instructed by a nurse to sit down so I could receive my child. As the nurse handed me this gift from God, I was struck by how hard she was crying. I studied her face, eyes pursed shut, as I held her. I began to talk to her, call her name & praise Jesus all at once. Something happened that I will never my daughter heard my voice, she stopped crying, turned her head toward me & opened her eyes! My face was the first she saw. I believe she stopped crying, in part, because she recognized my voice, but mostly because she had made contact with the man with whom she would have a spiritual bond for the rest of her life.
I praise Jesus for this wonderful memory & I look forward to sharing it with my daughter when she can fully understand.
Posted by
2:06 PM
Labels: baby, c-section, daddy's little girl, dilation, first born, maternity ward, newborn
Friday, January 11, 2008
Double Stroller-Rama Vol I
OK, with twins a'comin, there is a whole host of products that we'll need to invest in. Some might say a plethora, myriad, a whole bunch! One such item is a double stroller. I've asked on the various question posting sites which is better: side-by-side strollers or tandem strollers. I've gotten answers pro and con for each type. What's your experience? I thank you in advance for leaving your comments/experience/preferences/opinions/insights.
Featured Stroller: Peg Perego Duette SW
Though I haven't laid my hands on this babby buggy, from my view on the internet, it looks to be the Cadillac of double strollers. It looks pretty sturdy and has the following features:
- Very easy to steer with unique, adjustable height, steering wheel handlebar
4 large wheels with shock absorbers - Travel System compatible; Up to two Primo Viaggio SIP Car Seats (sold separately) attach directly to the chassis
- Seats can be placed one behind the other of face-to-face
- Seats come complete with hoods and warm covers
- Centrally controlled brakes on the rear wheels
- Can easily be carried even with children in it, using the side handles
Posted by
12:39 PM
Group Photo
This is my favorite photo. It shows both babies head-to-toe. Taken 1-7-08.
Posted by
9:36 AM
12-5-07 Baby B #2
The back view of Baby B that was taken on 12-5-07.
Posted by
9:33 AM
12-5-07 Baby A #2
The back view of Baby A that was taken on 12-5-07.
Posted by
9:29 AM
12-5-07 Baby A #1
This is a sonogram photo of the front view of "Baby A" that was taken on 12-5-07. Baby A is so named because he/she is closest to the "exit".
Posted by
9:28 AM